STAS ACADEMY proudly raises the bar and exceeds the standards for strategic E-GOVERNMENT and corporate projects. We can offer REDUTA e-Governmental platform, for emerging countries and develop their financial and transactional system for the future “NO CASH SOCIETY”. In 2022 we are ready to become a DEVELOPER PARTNER for Strategic Projects and Green Projects with Governments from emerging economies in the EU and worldwide. We are looking for CONSULTANTS PARTNERS that can introduce us to Governments and be our proxy in their countries.

The REDUTA e-Government Platform is our Revolution in Education, Digitalisation, Utilisation, Transaction, and Administration for the FUTURE NO CASH SOCIETIES!

All our projects respect the requirements and cover all major projects and problems the European Commission and Union want to solve in the next very delicate period. We can adapt “proprietary” each API solution for each country for all government ministries and departments.

Let us bring the future to you in Competence, Confidence, and Comfort!

The TIME is NOW, The HELP is HERE!

STAS NETWORK Electronic Transactions Secure and Guaranteed platform is the core of our REDUTA e-government Platform for the future “no cash” society!

STAS NETWORK for full e-government solutions in Administration, Financial and Social fields

We provide strategic solutions to governments and big business professionals, to maximize their financial efficiency. Our STAS NETWORK Platform is the only one on the market with “Zero Marginal Costs”, the goal for the full integration of IoT globally in the EU and Worldwide.



Pentru dezvoltarea societatii digitale si integrarea in Proiectul European de
“Internet of Things” am identificat nevoia unui prim pachet de 4 conturi necesare fiecarui cetatean sau entitate economica pentru aceste elemente. Pentru acest lucru nevoia unei platforme financiare care sa poata administra cu costuri marginale zero si in timp real 100.000.000 de conturi ( necesarul pentru Romania) este mandatara in acest an cand UE face presiuni masive pentru digitalizarea societatilor avand in vedere implementarea Euro-lui digital.
STAS NETWORK prin soluti noastra de dezvoltare a primei monede digitale reale “Q coin”, bazata pe un index al primelor 10 monede mondiale si pretul auruli, in timp real , astfel, NOI vom putea dezvolta “Leul de Aur digital” ca si prima solutie care va putea sta la baza dezvoltarii euro-lui digital!
Acest lucru il putem dezvolta prin integrarea platformei noastre de tranzactii electronice ‘STAS Network’, cu o banca romaneasca de stat ( CEC Bank SA sau EXIM BANK si apoi cu Trezoreria Statului) , pentru ca sa putem lua doua BIN- uri si sa dezvoltam doua solutii bancare si anume BANCA PRIMARIILOR DIN ROMANIA si – o banca pentru comerciala si pentru diaspora pentru plati online.
In calitate de consultanti financiar si specialisti in “e-government solutions” si “cash flow strategies”, tranzactii electronice, e-banking, carduri, proiectarea si managementul proiectelor europene si un cunoscator al realitatilor romanesti, europene si mondiale consider ca proiectele noastre sunt de natura sa schimbe perspectiva economiei romanesti in urmatorii ani.


We have developed a fully operational school K12 management project with the first Educational-media platform. This solution includes a “student educational kit”, with fully proprietary equipment, at a very competitive price.

Q Digital Coin

STAS NETWORK PLATFORM has included an integrated solution for the first digital currency in the world “Q digital coin”, based on an index of the Top 10 currencies in the world and the Gold and Silver prices. This solution can be the base for the future “Digital Euro”, “Digital Dollar” and any other digital currency from the index.

Q Digital Coin Characteristics


The Q Digital Coin is developed based on a proprietary formula including the real-time values of the Top 10 Currencies in the world and will fulfill its purpose as the future base for Digital transactions in the world.


Having in mind the new challenges in international commercial trading and the necessity of having NOW a Working Digital Coin, we developed a Commodities and Services Platform – TRANSYSALL, for Istanbul.

We ONLY Do Real!

Help us build the TRANSYSALL Platform in Istanbul, “The New Commercial and Financial Capital of the World”!

We bring the future to you!


stas logo 80x80

Open an account in minutes, transactions in real-time, zero transactional costs, cards in multi-currency, loyalty programs, student cards, payroll cards, company cards, el-ID-cards, e-voting cards, and more.


We can offer full support for our clients on our online TV Chanel – STAS TV. Our maintenance team will offer 24×7 support for the clients. We develop the solutions for migrations, e-philanthropy, and nan-banking persons.

Full integration with SM

the platform will be full integrated with the latest social media solution and will be accessible from any electronic device. Our proprietary devices will be also available.


As the financial markets go a new crash is on the horizon. Secure your money and data with a real solution, not with the ones that everybody uses. Be your own boss.


We developed a fully operational distribution intelligent vending machine, to help schools, administrative offices, and public spaces, to offer anti-Covid products to the public. The whole project will be managed under the REDUTA Platform, using special e-health cards.

Let us help you!

Have a Green Project and getting difficulties financing it? Let us be your guarantor to make your dream come true! The Time is now, The Help is here!

Our proprietary equipment

pPOS tablet
The pPOS tablet can be adapted for payments, e-tax collections, e-voting and more
Our electronic transaction platform is the only one with Zero Marginal Costs per transaction
Our new intelligent vending machines STAS VMS will help communities to fight against COVID-19